Seminar in Fitness shop at suidobashi

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Lots of fun last saturday at scramble’s champion ‘s seminar

After a warm up well done by wentz, we all showed and explain our favorite techniques. Then assisted the crowd to perfom it.

Kan chan showed power punch combination
Wentz taught some sharp elbows
I explain about clinch techniques
Koji send knees strikes
Masuda revealed counters to knock you down. Actually i learned a lot myself about that.

In the end i did a round of pads, but damned i was so tired by the sprint training of the previous day, i thought my legs would bailed on me.

Was a really great day, i would like to thanks all the people who came. Somebody even came from Hiroshima, yeah thats must be somebody who really loves kick 😉

And of course, thanks to all the staff of fitness gym who welcomed us sooooo well.

Greatly appreciated, ready to do another seminar anytime 🙂



  1. Hi!Thank you for last saturday!
    I did the clinch for the first time!!!:)
    It was of great benefit to me:)

    Well..I came back to Hiroshima today.

    I am looking forward to the update of your blog 😉

  2. Heyyy hope you had a nice trip to Hiroshima?
    glad you enjoyed clinch, its sooo usefull.
    enjoy training 🙂

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