Au menu : yama-yaki festival, good food, onsen, and lots of fun…
Itakura managed to find a nice subaru for the day, very confortable, i recommend:
Wentz and Kotetsu seemed fresh, but once we hit the road we leaved the poor Itakura alone for driving while we were sleeping.
Thanks for taking care of us Naoto
Its kind of field-fertility tradition if i understood well,…or maybe shizuoka’s people just like burn down big stuff like a hill for fun.
I know what you think, this seems pretty dangerous.
Where are you guyz?!? you make a party without inviting your welter champion??
… bastards!!!
Later, althought all the chips and chocolate eaten on the road, our stomach started to ask for more. We stoped on a restaurant next to a « geiser » and I could ate the most delicious « aji » mix in my life. We also have seen monkeys 🙂
a natural hot spring just on the cliff in front of the sea….just beautifull and incredibly relaxing

As the sun was going down, we started to go back to the noisy tokyo.
I will never forget the beautifull landscape of Shizuoka, thanks to you guyz for showing me this :