Road trip to Izu

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Last week end, i have been lucky enought to be integrally invited by my longtime friends from scramble to a great road trip from tokyo to Izu.

I have to say a big congratulation for the organisation, we had 2 cars to carry 15 pro fighters qlong the day,…a day that was rich in emotions.

After leaving at 8am, first stop was a delicious lunch.

I pick the delicious rice and sashimi straight from the ocean behinf the window. as good as you can it looks

Check out the beer assortiment

Then we came accross a lighthouse, and decided to take a look.

Actually, im very affraid of Height, yepp scarry time!!

Later a stop at a « strange museum »
So, who got more scare?

Next step on tour was a stop at a strawberry farm. I wasnt sure about that, it was cold and raining and wll i wanted was to be in onsen.

But the deal is that you can pick and eat all the strawberry you possibily can for 30min, and seriously they were sooo delicious that 30min just wasnt enought

Then it was finally time for my favorite moment of the day. Onsen!!!

Unfortunatly you understand we cant really walk around taking pics in a place where everybody is nude…..
..or can’t we?…..

Love you all dudes 🙂
Wil never forget all the great times i had with scramble, victory time, hard time, pain time, laugh time,….im gonna miss all that