Thats it!!
One step closer to the belt.
Last 17th october « All or nothing »event, i could get my revenge against Mitsumasa Horikawa from AJ gym.
We were both very motivated, as the winner of this match will then face Yuya Yamamoto for the title match.
But the fact that horikawa san beat me by decision earlier in mars this year, may have gave me a bigger will to win.
The fight started without any observation round, we both go to krush!
I could take the advantage by scoring a down in each first 3 rounds :
Of course the fight wasnt over, my opposent is known for his good « never give up » heart and stamina.
Him knowing he was losing in the scoring, and me really looking for a concret win, we naturally came to use a lots of elbows.
And a 6points cut for me :
The match ended by KO in the last 20seconds.
This match bring me lots of satisfaction for many different reasons.
First of all i could became number 1 in the welter weight ranking.
Also of course because i am officially gonna fight for THE TITLE next 5th of december!!
But the most important to me :
I think the crowd here in tokyo really appreciate the sports, and they do support a fighter for his skills netherless his origins.