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Wow one really interresting event coming this week end:

Its all gona all be under K1 rules. Interesting when you think most of the fighters here wish to be selected in the k1max circuit, you can expect them to use this event as a great opportunity to show what they really are able to do.

here is the main card :

Genki Yamamoto(DTS GYM) VS Yohei Sakurai(Bombo Freely)
Masahiro Yamamoto(藤原ジム) VS Akira(チームドラゴン)
Nobuchika Terado(青春塾) VS Wanlop Weerasakraek
Tatsuji VS Komya 小宮由紀博
Keiji Ozaki VS Su Wan Lee
Yuya Yamamoto VS オルチャン・クォン・ミンソク

Of course i will be there, rooting for my friends Komya, and Genki Yamamoto.
And also to keep an eye on my next oposent…