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Here it comes, the big match.
The one i was training for so long, AJKF welter weight title.

Starting my professional kickboxing career 2 years ago i was in the same time happy to get this opportunity and lil bit stressed too.

My opposent Yuya Yamamoto looks quite confident from the beginning.
to be honnest i have a big respect for him, i remember when i arrived in japan i saw his fight in K1max japan.

I was impressed how a so young guy is doing so well.

The match start straight without observations.

We were exchanging low kicks against knees…

punches against elbows…

i worked a lot with clinh and knee, but he was still absorbing damages…

In the fourth round i could get him with an elbow, resulting a cut nasty enought to the medical staff to stop the fight.

Im the CHAMPION!!!!
For the first time in history, a foreigner became champion of japanese kickboxing.

Right on time for my birthday 🙂

1 Comment

  1. Felicitations!!!

    Très beau cadeau d’anniversaire en avance…


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