Yeah i know, i know,…i promised myslef i would never do that « running thousands of stairs » training again.
But this time my gym mates had made me an offer i couldnt turn down :
As soon the training over, we would go straight to the swimming pool for the whole afternoon!!
It makes even more sense when the meteo is 30 degrees and 80% of humidity.
Yes thats the face of people happy to head for the swimming pool 🙂
Unfortunatly, it was forbiden to take pictures at Negishi’s swimming pool (one of the many measure to limit pervert behavior in public place)
THe afternoon there was just great, not that busy, huge pool in shape of 2 circles.
Lots of fun and laugh, specially an epic water gun fight against a team……of 6 y.o childrens.
Yes we are real warriors, taking every challenges 😉